The Journey Begins

Every journey begins with a first step. To achieve any goal you need to have commitment. Sometimes it is useful to introduce some structure into your process.  Self-imposed milestones and self-imposed deadlines can also provide additional motivation.

I want to become a better watercolor painter. I have previously tried and failed at mastering this painting media. But, I am determined to be successful this time. Unfortunately, I have found myself not progressing fast enough. Therefore, I need to get myself on a better track and more proactively manage my progress. To that end, I decided that a formal more structured and disciplined approach was needed. Setting up a dedicated website to journal my learning and painting hopefully can help me become more committed and to stay committed. It will also allow me to chronicle my progress and perhaps even provide an opportunity for me to share what I learn and my experiences.

Setting up this website is a constructive step in my journey. More to follow….